Policy Limits Can Affect Car Accident Settlements

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When you purchase a car insurance policy, you are essentially entering an agreement with the insurance company that you agree to pay a premium in exchange for a guarantee of coverage for certain types of damages up to a certain amount per incident. This maximum amount is known as your “policy limit,” and every car insurance policy has one. Unfortunately, …

Contingency Fees in Personal Injury Case: How They Benefit Clients

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Many people who need to start a legal case are hesitant to do so due to the potential cost of retaining an attorney. This reluctance may lead to people not seeking fair compensation for their damages and injuries caused by neglectful third parties. An attorney who offers to work for contingency fees provides clients a way around the obstacle of …

Slip & Fall Accidents On Someone Else’s Property: Can You Sue?

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Imagine the scenario in which you are at a friend’s house as an invited guest and enjoying some festivities. You go into the kitchen to get a drink, slip unexpectedly, fall, and get hurt. Who is to blame? Can you confidently say where liability lies in this scenario? Slip and fall accidents are one of the trickiest case types for …